Monday, 12 January 2009

Studying - howto

Reading (active reading), always ask questions about the text, it helps maintain interest and improves the quality of the note taking. Questions I ask - What do they mean by that, In what context is that, What is that referring to - this helps me to stop running my eyes over many paragraphs of text without thinking. I sometimes break the paragraphs down in to sentences and ask myself if I fully understand, if I'm tired I may even break the longer sentences down (where there are new concepts or sentences with many ideas).

Review earlier work before commencing and review new work completed at the end of a study period. This counts when taking breaks too. I tend to read through my notes of the previous session.

If stuck on a subject put it down, take a break and come back later, the next day. I found this particularly effective when studying MS221 Exploring mathematics, an overnight break often helped when coming back fresh and spotting a misunderstanding.

If still stuck after banging your head against a topic and having overnight breaks, try formulating a question to ask in the First Class forums. The process of working out how to ask a question can help in spotting a misunderstanding. If still stuck then you can post your question and get someone elses view.

Further things to try when stuck, try explaining the problem to someone else, the cat, dog or hamster even. Another person may ask you questions that force you to rethink, a family pet may not ask questions but you still have to verbalise your thoughts. Expressing yourself in a different medium may help you to rethink and understand a problem.

Always give yourself a fair chance, getting stuck on a question does not mean you won't be able to work out the answer, don't rush to ask but think the problem over, put it aside, come back to it a few times.

Try all the examples in the course text and write the answer using a pen and paper, no matter how tedious some of the self assessment questions may appear.

And practise, practise, practise, Carnegie Hall awaits. The old joke.

I need to start taking some of this advice!

Sunday, 11 January 2009

On course

Surprised to find I am on course with my studies - according to the study calendar. It's in the OU forums where I keep seeing questions asked about things that are not just in the next few units but in the next block (or sometimes the block after that)! A feeling of inadequacy can creep in and of being left behind. Just don't think about them, they are either massively well organised, have enough time on their hands or never do anything but OU work. Perhaps I should discover who the well organised ones are and find out their secrets.

Today has been mostly study of unit 7 of M255. It involves a lot of practical work altering classes, making frogs do things that they might not do unless genetically interfered with (perhaps given the hummingbirds ability to hover), overloading and overriding methods. It keeps me amused - apart from the displacement activity of nipping out to chop down a shrub that was allowing water to penetrate the house brickwork (water displacement removal activity?)

I make paper notes as I go along, marking headings and listing the Unit and Section I am on at the top of each page. This should make it easier to locate where I should look up information in the text if my notes aren't as helpful as I'd like when revising. I have tried mind-mapping/memory-mapping before but didn't find I very helpful, I used a commercial application, perhaps I should use coloured pens and paper. I don't find colour that useful being red/green colour blind although restricting to a small range of high contrast colours might help. But mainly my working habits consist of an A4 pad, a pen and the computer. At the end of each block I write a glossary of all the terminology and attempt to memorise it (not verbatim), although I think it would be an idea to do this at the start of each block and review it after (it will be reviewed naturally throughout study to a certain extent).

I'll get on with some more work later this evening and then have a bottle of Leffe when I've finished. It's a cheap trick but it's helpful to have a treat lined up!

Study, study, study

Sunday today, would normally go out for a mountain bike ride for a few hours but my cycling pal has pulled out citing aches and pains, tiredness and the cold weather. I am secretly relieved at this as I have a whole lot of OU work to catch up on.

I don't want to blame work as I can also be a little slack in the evenings and weekends at doing the amount of OU work I should do, but we were called in last Sunday due to there being a 2 minute power failure which affected one of our machine rooms over Sunday night. The generator failed to start and some sort of logic problem stopped the UPS failing back over to mains power. Most of Sunday was eaten by bringing servers back and making sure all was well in the virtual environment, the SAN came back seamlessly fortunately. Then I lost Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to troubleshooting another problem. Grrrrr!

So having made my excuses I'd better get down to some serious work today. I will be doing concurrent courses later this month so I need to crack on, I will be starting T209 that will run alongside M255.