Saturday, 2 October 2010

M364 Interaction Design

Acronyms schmacronyms.

The DECIDE framework.

DECIDE doesn't really help with the meaty points here, what does it stand for, well this:


The only one of those that applies to the point of the process is Evaluate.  So obviously I had to come up with a string of characters for the key processes, not an acronym.


I'm sure you'll agree that makes much more sense.  Or at least it will once I explain how to remember it and what it represents.

Gentlemen's Quarterly Eats Pine Top Private I Ends In Death

It's a mnemonic to recall the key words associated with the DECIDE framework, here's what that now represents:

Evaluation Paradigms and Techniques
Practical Issues
Ethical Issues

So put it all together and what have we got:

Determine the Goals the evaluation addresses.
Explore the specific Questions to be answered.
Choose the Evaluation Paradigms and Techniques to answer the questions.
Identify the Practical Issues that must be addressed.
Decide how to deal with the Ethical Issues.
Evaluate, interpret, and present the Data.

Much better, and I can remember it.  It had better come up on the exam.

Usability goals and user experience goals can be remembered using these tortuous, nonsense acronyms/phrases respectively:

Eff Eff SULM



Or in real words:

Effective, Efficient, Safety, Utility, Learnability, Memorability.


Satisfying, Helpful, Emotionally fulfilling, Aesthetically pleasing, Supportive of creativity, Rewarding, Entertaining, Enjoyable, Motivating.

Hopefully that's of use to someone, or provides ideas for their own phrases and/or methods.

Obviously there's a need to remember what all of these processes are for and what they mean, but this is a useful trigger for use under stressful conditions like the exam.

Good luck.

Deliberate mistake now corrected;-)

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