Thursday, 18 December 2008

M255 first TMA returned

Dropped a few marks due to minor errors, not properly re-reading the questions and checking my answers. I did re-read but obviously missed the finer detail of the points required, it's easy to do when keen to submit. I submitted a day before the deadline so wasn't particularly hurried but this must be a problem that many other people have to contend with when working full-time and finishing OU or other study in the evenings. Maybe I was a little complacent too as the course seems quite easy at this point. However, having said all that my mark was 91% so I can't really complain, although I will have to make sure I am more careful for later TMA's as they will be more challenging and I would like to keep the standard up. Maybe that sounds a little smug, boastful? I hope not.

Reviewing and revising the course should start quite early on, it's easy to make fundamental errors that become entrenched knowledge if not corrected while the information is still fresh. I remember being in my late teens before I was completely sure that a fly-over didn't involve a car leaping off a ramp and landing on a road on the other side! I'd believed it from such an early age that it had a huge momentum of plausibility behind it. Hopefully Things won't go as far astray as that.

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